The effect of coffee

Effect of coffee

:: Preventing cancer ::

 Protecting against Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and liver disease,
Including liver cancer

:: Burn fat ::

 In every cup of coffee you drink there is caffeine that makes it easier for your body to burn fat adding your fat burning metabolism.
It helps break down triglycerides sent out into your blood steam in lipoprotein putting you one step closer to the fat burning zone without exercise

:: Get Shiny Hair ::
 Coffee grounds can add shine to your hair and condition it naturally. Work the grounds into clean, wet hair and massage for a few minutes, then rinse. You may want to do this outdoors in warm weather to keep your drains from becoming clogged. (And brunettes—you'll get the added benefit of lovely highlights.)

:: Remove cooking odors from your hands ::

 Cooking with onions or garlic leaves a strong odor on your hands that most liquid soaps can’t remove. After cooking, wet your hands and rub a small amount of coffee grounds on them, then rinse with cool water. This removes the odor from your hands and nails.

:: Scratch Repair ::

 You can use coffee to hide scratches on dark wood or espresso finishes. Mix a small amount of grounds with warm water to make a paste, rub the paste over the scratch, and wipe it off with a towel. The grounds stain the wood, and make the scratch less noticeable.

:: Deodorize your fridge ::

 For best results, allow your grounds to dry overnight on a baking sheet. Then pour into an open cup or food storage container and place in your fridge to kiss icky odors goodbye.

:: Treat your skin to something special ::

 combine used coffee grounds with honey or mashed avocado, and apply to your face in slow, circular motions like a face scrub. Grounds will act as a gentle exfoliant, buffing off dead skin cells while the caffeine perks up tired skin.

:: Soften skin::

 Exfoliate with a body scrub made of coffee grounds, coconut oil and a little brown sugar. Gently massage it on in the shower, rinse, be soft.

:: Drain Cleaner ::
 The gritty texture of the grounds and the strong scent helps unclog and deodorize your kitchen sink. Boil a cup of coffee grounds in a pot of water, and then pour the entire hot mixture down the drain.

:: Shoe Deodorizer ::

 Sprinkle dry coffee grounds into your shoes, let them sit overnight, and then shake the grounds out over a trashcan. The grounds soak up any odors, leaving your shoes smelling cleaner.

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